Hey! I am Sorry!

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"Hey, I'm Sorry, was inspired by none other than the author's best friend. She never got the chance to apologize to her best friend and it was late when she realized, that the chance was gone forever. This book is a movement to make people realize how important it is to ask forgiveness. It is to make one understand how even the simplest of words have the most importance. While this book was collected and put into one piece, Vidushi only thought of her best friend and seeks her forgiveness. We hope you've apologized for all your wrongs. We hope you never have anything left unsaid. We pray for compassion, and kindness to be bestowed on you.


Publisher: Author:

ISBN: 978-93-90328-04-8 | Language: English | Pages: 118

Meet The Author

" My books are marked down because most of them are marked with a on the edge by publishers. "

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