An Untold Story Of The Reader and the Writer

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"In ""The Untold Story of a Reader and a Writer,"" we follow the poignant journey of Baisu and Goku, two souls connected by a bond that defies definition. Though they never enter a traditional relationship, their connection is visceral, felt in the silent moments they share—glances that speak volumes and unarticulated emotions that linger in the air. Baisu sees the love in Goku's eyes, understanding him in ways he cannot articulate. Their bond is an ethereal tapestry woven from trust and unspoken understanding, yet the weight of unexpressed feelings creates a chasm between them. Goku's fear of vulnerability holds him back, while Baisu grapples with the ache of longing for a love that feels both present and elusive. As their lives unfold, they confront the painful truth that sometimes love means letting go. Baisu learns that the purest form of love is knowing when to release someone to their own journey, accepting that their hearts will always belong to one another, even from afar. This heartbreaking realization is a testament to the strength of their connection, where love exists not in possession but in the freedom to cherish what was shared. ""The Untold Story of a Reader and a Writer"" is a deeply emotional exploration of one sided love, loss, and the bittersweet beauty of unspoken bonds, reminding us that the most profound connections can leave an indelible mark on our souls, even when they remain untold."


Publisher: Author:

ISBN: 978-93-5605-411-0 | Language: English | Pages: 210

Meet The Author

" My books are marked down because most of them are marked with a on the edge by publishers. "

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