The book is about an incredible cycle journey of Dr. Bhaskar Vinayak Parnerkar in the year 1974. The journey on the cycle was done from Bokaro steel city to Rameshwaram and back to Bokaro steel city and covered more than 5000 kms. (During the time when there were no ATMs/Mobiles/GPS). Mr. Parnerkar was of age 34 working as accountant in S.B.Joshi company in Bokaro when he started this incredible cycle journey executed from 14-Jan-1974 to 29-Apr-1974. One of the courageous and extraordinary journey of his life where he travelled across 9 states (Bihar, U.P., M.P., Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Orissa, Westbengal). This book does not only talk about his travelling but it also dives into the roads he took, the numerous people he met on the way, various experiences he gathered as a part of his traveling, meeting with old friends across cities and many more. This book is also dedicated to all the government officials as well as friends, relatives who helped him throughout this beautiful journey.
Mr.Bhaskar's Incredible Cycle Journey
₹199.00Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur erit qui in ea voluptate
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