IT’S UNPREDICTABLE A lot many people, A lot many shades A lot many instances, A lot many days Nothing could be real and everything could be presumed fake. Everything vanishes as the time fades. This book highlights the major issues faced by teenagers. It shows how people aren’t trustworthy and show their true colours with time. The book puts the imagination of a girl of 17 years into words.This is her first book and therefore the first step towards pursuing the dream of being a writer. In the story "TITLE" the lead hypothetical character Aalia falls in love with her crush Simon and finds out that her best friend Aayara betrayed her. Post the betrayal she gloom's out in the world of dismay and loses the essence of friendship. Soon she realizes something has changed her life and later she sees her ray of hope and happiness in someone else.Genre of this book is Romance. You will enjoy reading it. This book says that once you get your trustworthy person in your life then grab them and never let them go, but don’t trust anyone easily. Judge properly and Love, because once you’re hurt finding the solution maybe a hard task. The prime focus of this story is on building and retaining trust. The author emphasizes on the imporatnce of having the right person in your life whom you can trust and totally rely upon. As per her "Judge properly and Love, because instincts and wrong judgements can make your life a total mess"
₹199.00Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur erit qui in ea voluptate
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