"Imagine if we could stop the wave of teachers leaving the profession—44,000 and counting since 2023. What if there’s a way to reignite their passion for education? The simple tactics and techniques in Charisma Secrets will help teachers avoid burnout, excel at work, and find joy in their profession. Filled with real-life anecdotes, these tried-and-tested strategies make for an engaging read. Charisma Secrets is your guide to becoming more influential, persuasive, and inspiring. While many believe charisma is an innate gift, this book shows you that it's a skill you can develop. It breaks down practical, easy-to-apply techniques to help you overcome the daily challenges of teaching. You become unstoppable when you focus on things no one can take from you—like mindset, character, and charisma. Let’s begin the journey!"
Charisma Secrets
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