Foundations of Thinking

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“Foundations of Thinking: Building a Strong Psychological Base for Life,” is a comprehensive guide designed to enhance basic thinking skills in psychology. It begins with an introduction to the importance of these skills and their historical development. Readers will explore cognitive foundations such as perception, attention, and memory systems, followed by critical thinking and problem-solving strategies. The book delves into emotional intelligence, highlighting the role of emotions and techniques for managing them. Decision-making processes, creative thinking methods, and mindfulness practices are thoroughly covered. Additionally, it examines the impact of social and cultural influences on thinking and offers techniques for building resilience. Practical applications in education, the workplace, and personal life are also discussed, making this book a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their psychological foundation.


Publisher: Author:

ISBN: 978-93-5605-609-1 | Language: English | Pages: 138

Meet The Author

" My books are marked down because most of them are marked with a on the edge by publishers. "

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