I Have Only Loved You

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ABHIMANYU, a spirited young man with an indomitable spirit, meets a smart and beautiful girl TANVI, in the most unlikely circumstances. Within a short span, they both become great friends and soon encounter their dream matches- the charismatic RONAK and the shopaholic fashion-queen PRIYA. Driven by their shared aspirations and fuelled by their dreams, the four decide to move in together, in pursuit of a life filled with opulence and extravagance where they create a kingdom of bliss and experience their aspirations coming to life in grandeur. But as their dreams begin to materialize one devastating storm of problems shatters their lives; they find themselves trapped amidst the scattered pieces of a perplexing puzzle that connects their past. Determined to restore their happiness, they embark on a journey to uncover when and where they went wrong? Join them on their quest as they strive to piece together the fragments of their lives from the past incidents and find solace in the possibility of happiness once again.


Publisher: Author:

ISBN: 978-93-5605-671-8 | Language: English | Pages: 240

Meet The Author

" My books are marked down because most of them are marked with a on the edge by publishers. "

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