Stories of Greenshire

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Fluffy of Greenshire "Whether its day or night, Or the Earth turns upside Honkies will never step outside." Even though Fluffy took this oath, every day, the cute little pup steps outside the Greenshire and finds himself caught in grave trouble, read and find out for yourself what happens next. Did I Get the Best? So later that day, Mr. Kindle asked Thrilly, "Do you know my boy, when you were in your mother's womb, I had to toil a lot for how you look now?" Thrilly is a sweet young boy who has always doubted his ordinary looks, and now his father is trying to tell him how much toil he has to do for Thrilly to look the way he is now. Find out what Mr. Kindle did and did Thrilly get the best.


Publisher: Author:

ISBN: 9789356051638 | Language: English | Pages: 0

Meet The Author

" My books are marked down because most of them are marked with a on the edge by publishers. "

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