Women.... A women is a piller of every home, not only home but for society too. But she never get what she actually deserves. She has to fight for her life every second, every minute, every hour in short 24*7. She was tought to sacrifice her dreams, her desires, her feelings from the very beginning of her life. But even after having lots of obstacles and difficulty she fought back and comes out like a rising sun. She is a princess, she is a queen, she is a mother, she is daughter, she is sister, she is wife....apart from all this she is "SHE". This book is dedicated to all the women of the world and contents the feelings of different writers and their views towards "HER LIFE". It may possible that you can't connect them fully but somewhare their writings can affact you. All the writers are from different place, culture and background but the common thing in all of them is that.... "Their words,their writing skills which has the power to bring smile on your face."
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