slave to heart desire

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"Man is often a slave to his desires. The desires whether conventional or eccentric, often transcend the realm of right and wrong and imbibe the power to pull the strings of the heart, the way they want. This anthology ""SLAVE TO HEART'S DESIRE"" has been made in collaboration with 29 exemplary writers. Whether it be love in the life of a rape victim, travel love, love among refugees, love that defies age , same sex love, transgender love etc., our writers have immaculately represented the trials and tribulations, the happiness and sorrow that blanket the life of people who fall into the embraces of such unconventional love. In summation, this anthology has been made to talk about the topics that are often closeted or talked about behind closed doors. It aims to highlight the fact that love is love, it's a unadulterated feeling that can neither be manipulated nor be caged. Once it envelopes a person, it wipes away all kinds of prejudices and discrimination from his / her mind."


Publisher: Author:

ISBN: 978-93-5452-532-2 | Language: English | Pages: 115

Meet The Author

" My books are marked down because most of them are marked with a on the edge by publishers. "

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