"This anthology ""One day President"" is a contemporary collection of articles , "" Envisioning the commonality people in the seat of President "". One day President†– Which could be possible in cinematic life. But, is it possible in our day-to-day life? A Big “NO†right ? That couldn’t be possible in today’s political environment. So Here, we came up with a Idea or a vision, that would let the nation knows, what would happen if the nation let the youngster or the educated people conquer the seat of “The Presidentâ€. Especially we described how our nation would be if â€THE RIGHT PERSON"" is in the position of influence This book has been compiled by Ms. Aishwarya Nedumaran. She has co-authored and compiled several award winning books. Do read and make a change!"
One Day President
₹250.00Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur erit qui in ea voluptate
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