"""THE WANDERLUST"" which means ""a strong desire to explore and experience different kinds of ideology"". It is an art of connecting convictional thoughts, expressing the emotions and conveying ideas through words that portraits your mind and speaks your inner self. ""THE WANDERLUST"" is an adventure which includes some exceptional thoughts in the form of poems, stories, articles and quotes. By running down the line, it will provide you immense pleasure, joy of love, motivation, spirituality and inspiration. ""THE WANDERLUST"" is compiled by Omm prakash Panigrahi with utmost love and passion under the guidance of Ms Himani Satpalkar. 60 most talented writers from different part of India and also across the world, their collaborative efforts and excellent words in representing this lovely book is commendable. Do read to construct and experience what this adventure named wanderlust is all about!!"
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