"This Anthology ""THE DIVINE DIMENSIONS"" is a contemporary collection of articles, ""Scrutinizing the Spirituality and the Heritage"", based on the potpourri perspectives of our revolutionary writers. Among the people all over the world, There's a never ending debate over; What is Spirituality? What is its matter of fact in real? How heritage influences the people's culture and the Pride of temples ? Inspite of all the controversies, Spirituality has been obscure untill now...So this compendium brings into light, about the Factual and Virtuous Spirituality; Suppositions , offences and fraudulence in the name of God ; Astounding stories of our temple architectures and the pride we have over that, and also the culture civilization over spirituality & Atlast the most spectacular context, that is how the atheists define Spirituality, which is ahead of our game . ""We the compilers with our forward looking ideas , would be very sure that this book could recast the outlook of divine in a very good way helping our society"" This book has been compiled by Ms.AISHWARYA NEDUMARAN and Ms.YUVASREE P. They have coauthored and compiled several books. Here the Compilers heartily welcome you all to step into our Book to gain this mystical experience!"
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