"There are a few things in life which will always be important, and the most important things in that list are - You and Your Family. At every step of the way, the people who stand by you, no matter what the situation or how hard the situation is are you and your family, because no matter how silly or stupid your action may be, they will always always have your back. Self-love seems so often unrequited, but the truth is that to fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness - and happiness comes when you love yourself unconditionally, just as you love those closest to you despite their faults - like your family and the ones in your closest circle. The most important things in life are often misunderstood to be money and wealth, and everything that comes with it - but what good would any of those things be if you don't have your family or your nearest and dearest to share those moments with. Things may come and go, but the one thing that will remain the same till the end of time is the your family. Que Sera Sera is a book compiled by Aafreen Zafar, with 15 co-authors who talk about the importance of not just family and self-love, and making the world believe that the most important thing in the world is family and self-love because those are the things that matter. "
Qué Sera Sera
₹325.00Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur erit qui in ea voluptate
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