Ordinary Women is a Myth

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"Women are not just what one perceives them to be, they are more than what they themselves know about them. She who bears the womb of the universe can never be an avocation but an allegiance. Feminism is not about the encouragement to people to perceive that one is greater than the other but it’s all about the accord, equality and respect that one deserves. It’s not the word that marks per se. Here’s spectrum of thoughts presentin’ you with allurin’ ineffable poems, stories and quotes all about women written by 40 talented and innovatory writers. This anthology is Compiled by Miss Raksha M and and is presented by Miss Kavi Priya."


Publisher: Author:

ISBN: 978-93-5452-437-0 | Language: English | Pages: 142

Meet The Author

" My books are marked down because most of them are marked with a on the edge by publishers. "

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