"""Shinning irenic"" as the name suggests, is an Anthology that promises to promote peace in the way of making the path bright for other footsteps. Whenever any human being or living creature lacks peace, it is essential to make it calm. Each n every 'ONE' from the ink of twenty co - authors, pledge to promote peace through their ink.They all intend to sooth each and every reader and listener . In the past, peace meant a time without tears, wars, fighting or the threat of violence.Today , peace is used to refer to a state of harmony, quiet, or calm with no hostility. Our ability to find a kind of tranquility that can change the way we see the world and interact with others brings us peace.You are all set to move on when you are mentally and spiritually at peace. Remember:- "" when the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
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