
Pratima Raj


"Pratima Raj is an M.phil graduate in English. She has augmented her skills by procuring Diploma course in Creative Writing. She also has procured a degree in Business management. She has worked as a linguistic teacher in a private school at Coimbatore. She shows inquisitiveness to learn new things, exploring places and food and believes in living a life with full zeal . She believes to invest her time in reading books, writing poetry, quotes, articles, while fullfilling the duties of a homemaker. She is a Your Quote writer. She has published her quote book entitled""Enchanting Words of Mind,"" and has been a co- author for four anthologies entitled ""The Purple Vistas"" and ""Metanoia,"" ""Silent Feels,"" and ""Romantic Walk"". She has presented research paper each in National and International conferences entitled"" LGBT is a Huge Taboo in Indian scenario"" and "" Life of Transgender in Indian scenario."" She is an author of her debut book ""Cocktales ."" She has a blog entitled "" Magic in Words."""

Publisher FanatiXx Publication
Number of Books 2