
Parag Chaturvedi


The Author is a 19 year old, who is still trying to figure out his place in the world. Parag Chaturvedi , someone who says he's trying to find his place in this world , is a second year Undergraduate student residing in Jaipur. He is a student but a writer at heart. He has been part of some of the other anthologies by Siyahi vocals which are still in the process of getting published . He dreams of being a lot of things, but also a writer who can inspire lives and give people the hope to live. He has big dreams. His main aim is to enchant people with stories and raise awareness on issues nobody wants to talk about. His poetries and opinions might be deemed "controversial" at times, but he thinks its important to say everything because he thinks someone listening to him might be inspired to do the right thing.

Publisher Bishara Publication
Number of Books 1