
Harshitha Harshitha

"keep writing"

Harshitha writes books, blogs and articles, which, considering where you’re reading this, makes perfect sense. She has touched the lives of many with her writing. She finds inspiration in optimism and hope in those who choose to not be cynical. Harshitha considers her faith and family to be most important to her. When she is not writing, she spends most of her time reading, upcycling her things, making candles, dancing and in busy solitude. She enjoys cake, as should all right-thinking people. Harshitha has contributed to the creation cradle, a non-profit organisation. She did a handful of internships and undertook several responsibilities with some renowned people, worked as a mental well-being advisor and is now doing her CA full-time. She spends her evenings trying to impress her dog, Pepper and make her experiments with him work. She has curly hair for no reason :)! You can get to her blog by typing the word “Whatever” into Google. No, seriously, try it. Keep in touch with Harshitha! Email: [email protected]

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