“THE RAINBOW SOULBOOK†is an anthology consisting poetries, quotations and short stories made in order to perceive the soul as a book of moods and feelings having different colours and hues. Just like people ,no two moods or feelings are same. The beauty of life is that it never keeps us the same , like environment , we also go through the wintry cold wars , summery blooms and rains and autumns. The compilers AUROSMITA SWAIN and SWOSTI SAMARPITA SAHOO have done a splendid job in making this thought and imagination a grand success . The DROPLETS OF INK PUBLICATION has been the opportunity platform for all the 85 co-authors from different parts of all over India and abroad to embellish this amazing masterpiece with their valuable and tremendous words and writings.
₹250.00Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur erit qui in ea voluptate
Sathi –
Best wording used in this book... At the time of reading you will feel like self experience, reality, deep by heart..
Aurosmita Swain –
It was a memorable journey with my this piece of heart. Glad to have this. Hope everyone like it!!!!â¤
Jayasmita Kuanr –
The cover of the book is quite impressive...The compiler really did an amazing work. Keep ut up.