"This anthology""MOM"", is a collection of emotions, in the form of poetries, stories, articles and Quotes,inked in Tamil and English, by a group of highly Profound Writers, who communicate with the language of love all over! Mom. This word is world to many of us. Mom makes our everything complete. Home without mom, is a life less dome. This book makes the readers get into an emotional touch with their mom. She fixes no only the broken pots, but also the broken smiles of the family. Thoughts of her hard working days and her smiling face, makes us move forward. Her care, her love, her support, her attention for us, everything is to be remembered for eternity. To connect with your hearts, we have brought an exclusive collection of write-ups, that can make you heart lingers in the thoughts of you mom's true love and her womb's real warmth. These words will surely trench you in the tears of love, with an elegant smile in your face! ,""MOM"" isn't just a book, but the crown we present to our home maker. This book has been compiled by Blessy Rani Jenefer.S, Who are the real start for this emotional flow. She Authored and Published various themed books"
Token Of Love
₹200.00Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur erit qui in ea voluptate
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