"This covid pandemic was something which made more importance about family and friends and guess which made the priority? - it's LIFEand RELATIONSHIP . Everyone gonna go one day, and I saw many leaving in between their beautiful journey of life. But still, there are hopes to live long in reason to fulfill our dreams and make our parents proud. Even though, the un avoidable part is that, this pandemic made many positive and negative changes in all lives, some with sorrows, hardships with family and some with happiness with family. *"" THE JOURNEY WITH COVID""* , It's the collection of 30 writers who expressed their views on their journey how their pandemic went, how they came across this covid and their opinion over the laws which came into force in relation to covid pandemic with experience from school to college including teachers relationship and with parents to employers. You can even discover many of others perspectives during this pandemic and I'm sure that this collection will be an odd one out between other aspects of books and will remain a collection of memories in future. I express my wish before you to give a read to find out who have undergone the same experience as yours. Give them a read and catch up! "
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